Review: Out’n’About Nipper V5 Double off road pushchair

Getting outdoors for a walk with your baby is easier with the right kit.

As part of Blaze Trails’ exciting new partnership with our friends at Out’n’About, our parent and baby walking community have been road (and trail!) testing Out’n’About’s range of off-road pushchairs.

A very wet and muddy start to this Spring has meant the Out’n’About pushchairs have been tested to their limits and been thoroughly rid of their shiny newness! 

Over the next few weeks we will be sharing exactly what we think in detailed and honest reviews of three of the Out’n’About range  - the Nipper, the Nipper Double and the Nipper Sport - so that you can make an informed decision when choosing the right off-road pushchair for you.

When you’re ready to buy use our exclusive link to get a whopping 10% discount off your new Out’n’About pushchair!

First up, our Peak District Blaze Trails Organiser Natasha reviews the Out’n’About Nipper Double…

Hi! I’m Natasha, a Blaze Trails organiser in the Peak District…

I love getting outside with my boys exploring our beautiful country. I’m relatively new to walking having found Blaze Trails when I had my first son two years ago - I couldn’t believe I’d been missing out on nature for so long and there is no way I’m letting my children miss out. 

I was super excited to be able to test out and review the Out’n’About Nipper Double off-road pushchair, but was fairly dubious about my need for a double buggy as we had wasted so much money on prams with our first baby and we never found a good fit for our needs.

However, I have been so surprised with how much use I’ve already got from the Nipper Double. I look forward to taking it out and find myself seeking pram-friendly walks whereas before I very much avoided them.

The bonus of the Out’n’About Nipper Double is that you can do far more adventurous pram walks, which is more up our street. We love being out in the Peaks up a hill, splashing in the streams and squelching through mud which has been unavoidable this Spring!

The Nipper Double pushchair has fitted into our lifestyle perfectly. 

Assembling the Out’n’About Nipper Double

My toddler was very excited when the big box arrived containing our new pram, I mean he’s 2 and a huge box had been delivered so what’s not to love?!

The box was soon forgotten once he saw what was inside - he jumped into the pushchair straight away before I’d even got the wheels on and demanded to nap in the new pram…. Toddler approved within 5 minutes! Once he woke up I got the wheels on and we were ready to go. 

I found building the pram straight forward - the assembly instructions are easy to follow on the whole and the pushchair feels very sturdy straight away. There aren’t lots of different settings, levers or components to contend with like other prams I’ve tried and I really like that.

It’s also very easy to fold down everything stays together in one fold.

A downside is that the pushchair is huge when folded down - it’s too big to fit under my stairs or to keep in my hall so I have to store it in the garage or the boot of the car. Due to the size I also find it quite difficult to lift into my boot and I always end up covered in mud from the wheels. For me personally this is a small price to pay and I’m usually already covered in mud! 

I was worried about the fit for my younger son as he was only 6 weeks old when we started using the Out’n’About Nipper Double. I did look into getting the carrycot attachment or the newborn insert, but we haven’t felt we needed it. The pram can lay fully flat and he fits well in the adjustable harness, and I’m comfortable I can keep a close eye on him through the window in the hood.

Finally a pram that is actually suitable from newborn to toddler! 

The Out’n’About Nipper Double Around Town

The Nipper drives beautifully over bumpy pavements and navigates curbs comfortably, it’s easily controlled one handed whilst handing snacks to toddlers.

I really love pushing this pram - considering it’s a side-by-side double buggy it’s very nimble and feels light. There was one local café where we couldn’t fit through the narrow door but other than that we had no issues with doorways or accessing anywhere around town. 

The Nipper Double In the Countryside

We took the Nipper out on canal paths, woodland trails, unmade country roads and, of course, to some country pubs! Given the amount of rain we’ve had recently we encountered lots of mud and puddles which were no issue.

The Nipper is just as easy to handle off-road as on pavements around town - it has a really handy wrist strap for extra security when heading downhill and truly takes all terrain in its stride. 

Going off-road

I got very ambitious whilst out using the Out’n’About Nipper Double pushchair - we decided we could tackle some less pram-friendly routes so we tested it on a very narrow, rocky woodland ‘path’ and it passed with flying colours.

I felt super confident pushing my precious cargo down this treacherous path that really wasn’t accessible for other prams. 

We then tackled some steps and a narrow footbridge - we bounced down the steps with ease, much to my toddlers delight, and despite being convinced the pram was too wide for the bridge we strolled across comfortably.

Next was the river path after the river Wye had burst its banks - the mud was very thick and the water was deep in parts but we glided through, unlike my toddler’s wellies that were lost to the mud on more than one occasion!

We had to carry the pram over some fallen trees, which given its lightweight design was no bother.

I ended this adventure with a sleeping baby, a thrilled toddler and a happy heart following a walk we couldn’t have easily accessed with any other pram. 

The Downsides

As much as I thoroughly enjoy this pram, it’s not without some niggles:

  • The bumper bar – I find it really cumbersome, especially when I’m popping the toddler in and out and there’s nowhere for it to go - it’s too big to swivel up and out of the way and doesn’t bend out of the way either.

  • Wind – I didn’t particularly notice an issue with wind, but my husband said he found walking into the wind affected the handling of the pram. 

  • Big when collapsed – as mentioned earlier the pram is a fair size when collapsed so storage can be difficult.

Other Features

  • Storage – each seat has a large drawstring basket on the back which works really well for off-road as you can close them and nothing will fall out. These however I’ve found are relatively inaccessible if the seat is laying flat, as is the storage basket that fits underneath when both seats lay flat.

  • Pedal break – super easy to use and really secure when on. 

  • Large hoods – each seat has a hood that works independently, so perfect for different age children. The hoods come out a decent amount over the seats keeping the sun off and they are nice a dark inside so perfect for napping whilst out in the day. Each hood offers a window so you can check on your little ones and has large zip pockets on either side for further storage and easy accessibility. 

  • Seat recline – both seats recline independently and can lay fully flat, they’re very easy to recline with a squeeze of the toggle. They are a bit tricky to sit back up and this requires two hands. We also find that the strap sometimes gets twisted stopping the mechanism working, it just needs untwisting which can be a bit annoying and inconvenient.

My final say:

On the whole I genuinely love the Out’n’About Nipper Double.

I’ve avoided prams until now as I haven’t found one that suits our needs but I feel the Nipper Double fits the bill - from the easy handling, comfort for both the children and the parent, to the freedom it gives.

I would definitely recommend the nipper and for me personally the pros far outweigh the small cons.  

Friends of Blaze Trails receive a massive 10% discount off across the Out’n’About range by shopping here: 

Stay tuned for our upcoming reviews of the Out’n’About Nipper off road pushchair and the Out’n’About Nipper Sport pushchair!

Reusable nappies - Our community's top tips for using cloth nappies on the trail

You know you’re knee-deep in parenting when you get excited about a week focusing on nappies. Yes, it’s Reusable Nappy Week 2023!

Photo: Close Pop-in

Blaze Trails is all about getting families out in nature, and we know caring for our environment is important for many in our community. Embracing reusable nappies is a brilliant way of reducing the immense amount of single-use landfill waste associated with modern family life. 

But we know that the practicalities of using reusable nappies can feel a bit daunting at first. Not only that, but whatever nappies people use, many parents worry about how they’ll change their baby’s nappy when outdoors. 

We’re super keen to break down some of these concerns, and offer practical advice on all the elements of getting out with an infant or toddler. Dealing with poos and wees on the trail is a key part of that!

So we asked our Blaze Trails community members what their best tips are for using reusables, especially when out on your wild adventures

Here they are! 

For more information about getting started with reusable nappies, see our links below.


Photo: Liz and Those Boys


Finding a wetbag with a popper on the handle was great for us, just hang it on the pram handle afterwards! We had a small changing mat that we used to lay on the ground or in the car boot quite often, even more so with our youngest when everything was closed during lockdowns! We loved cheeky wipes too and used to have a little bag with them already damp and ready to use ☺️



Dry bags are so useful when using reusable nappies, as you can stuff a fair few inside and roll down the top. We have a grey one for clean, ready to wear nappies and a florescent orange one for the dirty ones!

When changing out on a trail, we carry a thin changing mat to lie little one on and bring his puffa jacket (which packs down super small) to wrap him up in whilst changing, so he doesn't get cold. We also make sure the liners are in the nappies ready to go, so the change can be nice and quick 🙂

If new to reusuables I'd recommend trying a few brands, as some may fit on your baby better than others. Plus as a parent you may prefer the design of some over others (velcro Vs poppers).



Photo: Seedling Baby


Photo: BabiPur

No different to disposables really as presumably you’d have a nappy sac anyway to take the dirty nappy away? Just in this case pop it in the wet bag instead!

Heather K


We cloth our twins who are now 2.5 so our journey will probably be coming to an end soon 😔. I’m genuinely a little bit sad about it!

I found nappy pods were fab and could store a couple of changes each as well as a couple of spare clothes changes for emergencies

Just chuck any dirty nappies in your wet bag and chuck them in your basket at home

I think cloth seems overwhelming at first as there’s so much lingo to learn and so many options for types of nappy but honestly, once you’ve found your groove with the right ones and the right wash routine, it just becomes second nature

Check out your local nappy library if you want to have a good look at the options available. And be prepared to change your mind! I was convinced I’d go for 2 parters and ended up in pockets 💁🏽‍♀️



Photo: TotsBots


Photo: Peachie Baby

We use the totsbots wet bags that have a popper on them, this means we can attach them onto the outside of rucksacks once they have dirty nappies in them. I like to make sure I take my most absorbent nappies too so it reduces the amount of changes and things we need to carry. We have a small foldable changing mat too.

Birth-to-potty nappies are a godsend.

Heather H


I have a 2.5 year old and 7 month old - our biggest saviour is using birth to potty nappies to they can use the same ones, pre stuffed and just need change the rise depending who wears it 😁


Photo: Loving by Nature

Getting started

If you want to try reusable nappies for the first time, visit the Cloth Nappy Network website and search for your local nappy library (yes, you can borrow them to try out what works best for your family!):

Cloth Nappy Network UK

For more information and to buy reusable nappies, please visit these great websites:

The Nappy Lady

Lizzie’s Real Nappies

The Nappy Gurus

'More than putting one foot in front of the other' - Our Blaze Trails user survey report 2021

We know walking with our babies means something...and it feels pretty momentous to be able to start evidencing it.

We're so chuffed to share the findings of our first user survey, which our friend Louise Platt at Manchester Metropolitan University (who leads the Walking with Babies project) kindly analysed and presented in this super snazzy report.

We did this survey back in 2021 and we worked with Louise last year to bring it all together - the words and insights our community shared really underpinned everything we tried and achieved in 2022.

What really comes out about walking with our babies, especially in a group, is connection.

Parents told us that walking in groups results in:

  • Connection to each other

  • Connection to our babies

  • Connection to nature

Just what us new parents could really do with 💛

We were really struck by how many people - about two thirds - said they had experienced challenges with their mental health during the postnatal period. It shows a huge need for parents to be able to have opportunities that care for and nourish them, at the same time as they’re caring for their babies.

Parents said getting out walking really helped their mental and physical health. But one of the key barriers people said they faced is not having anyone to get outdoors with.

This is why we’re so committed to helping parents come together and walk. It’s simply to help people meet each other, outdoors. We’re starting to show that once parents have these kinds of spaces for themselves, they can experience a whole range of benefits.

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed, and to Louise for her hard work on the report. We hope you enjoy having a read.

We're now diving into the analysis of 2022's community survey and we can't wait to share those insights too!

Thank you, Team Blaze ☀️

Winter walking with a toddler - our tips and hacks

Tantrums, constant demands for snacks and a total refusal to wear a hat or coat. Sound familiar?! Getting a toddler out of the house and around a walk can take resilience at the best of times -add winter weather and it might feel impossible.

The benefits of getting outside with your little explorer are many for both of you, much needed headspace, fresh air, discovering nature together - the list is endless. Getting out in the colder months is no exception as long as you are prepared , it can be just as achievable as walking in the summer. 

Here at Blaze Trails we have walked in hailstones and snow, wind and rain, flash floods, you name it! But we've always arrived home smiling. We would encourage all parents to get outside all year around, as it really is such an important part of staying happy and helping us cope with the every day. 

Here we share our top five tips to help you get out with your little ones all year around.

1. Check the weather

Sounds obvious. The night before and on the morning, check what the weather will be doing throughout the day so that you can pack for every eventuality. Don’t be put off by only sticking to lowland in the winter months, taking your toddler to look at snow capped mountains is an amazing experience, and done across the world where often parents can’t avoid it! However, remember that Mountain conditions can often be completely different to the conditions on lower ground.

Keep an eye on the Mountain Weather Information Service. ( ) Take into account wind speed, temperature and visibility. If it’s not looking great, the mountain isn’t going anywhere, hang on for a better day and stick to lowland walking instead. 

2. Choose winter-friendly routes

Forests and parks often have more shelter and are great for exploring in the winter just as much as summer: footprints in the snow, icicles, morning frost on the ground - it’s all exciting when you’re small!

If conditions are icy, try to stick to flat ground so you’re not slipping and sliding down hills - unless that’s the plan and you take a sledge! If you do head for any hills, it’s worth taking walking poles with you to steady yourself, or wearing micro-spikes on your boots, especially if you’ll be carrying your toddler.

And don’t feel like a ‘good’ or ‘successful’ walk has to be a long walk. Planning walks that are short and sweet, whether just a stroll around your neighbourhood to look at the Christmas lights, or a wander round a local country park in the snow, can feel refreshing and full of interest without having to be overly long. You’ll also minimise the chances of either of you getting cold and miserable.

3. Dress you and toddler appropriately: Think of the weather you go out in, and what you wear for it. It’s just as straightforward with toddlers in the winter - layers are your friend. It is highly likely you will be walking slowly with a toddler and so you need to make sure you are both dressed warmly enough for long periods standing still (even if getting them to actually wear the clothes takes a bit of bribery!). Cover their extremities - thick socks (ski socks are great) and waterproof insulated gloves, a breathable thermal base layer, waterproofs when needed and good hat work a treat.

Also remember that little humans are pretty good at letting us know when they’re not happy, so if they’re too cold they will let you know about it!

4. Keep fuelled and hydrated

High energy snacks (ALL THE SNACKS) for you and them, and flasks of warm drinks for older little explorers. If you have a baby with you too and need to breastfeed while you’re walking, consider things such as an extra big coat to place over baby and you, or even a survival shelter, which packs up small and just goes over you and baby to keep the wind and cold out. Feeding a baby outside can also feel daunting, whatever the weather. If you are sitting out in exposed conditions, make sure you both keep warm, have something to sit on such as a rolled up scarf or blanket, and enjoy that sit down and time together - as well as having entertainment (or cake) to hand to keep your toddler still for more than five minutes!

5. Most importantly, Enjoy yourselves! If you’re not enjoying it, neither will they! Take in the views, sing songs and talk about what you see. There is no greater thing in life. 



How to keep your toddler warm on winter walks

Baselayers: For both of you, the right base layer can be a game changer and for children you can get some really affordable good quality base layer options. Something such as merino wool will keep you all warm but also wick away sweat when doing all of that charging about. You can pick up some brilliant merino baselayer sets from newborn age on sites such as Decathlon and Sports Pursuit. They are also lovely and comfy for when you’re back home in front of the fire with your coats gently steaming! There are also brands which specialise in merino baby base layers. 

Fleece Layer: To keep the heat in, again, there are some great companies out there that make mini-fleeces. If you have a smaller baby consider a fleece onesie, and avoid going too thick or puffy a suit as whether in a sling or back carrier babies need their hips in the right position (which can be compromised in padded snowsuits). 

Warm coat: Down jackets are great as they are warm but breathable and stuff away quite small if you need to take them off. There are some brands which make waterproof jackets with a detachable down coat underneath. Ski jackets are also a brilliant option as they’re often super warm as well as being waterproof - you can often pick them up second hand and barely used.

Waterproof layer: Rain, mud, if it’s there a toddler will find it. If you live in the UK, especially if you are heading to a mountainous region, you will likely encounter rain or sleet. Don't underestimate the investment in a decent pair of waterproofs (you and them) as you are layering them up, and buy up a size so that they last longer. Sallopettes and jackets are a great option for bigger babies and toddlers as they’re easy to get on and off, and protect bums and backs from getting cold or wet.

Thick socks: one of life’s little pleasures however big you get. Especially important if your little one is wearing wellies as these are waterproof but often not very well-insulated and can result in cold toes.

Boots and booties: If you have a little explorer who may come out of the carrier, invest in a decent pair of waterproof walking boots. Not only will they keep their feet warm and dry, they will also support their feet and ankles on uneven ground. If you have a smaller baby who isn't yet walking, down waterproof booties are perfect to keep those little toes warm and snug. 

Hat: An essential for any winter walk. If you have a small person determined to remove hats, go for something with a chin strap they have the advantage of keeping ears warm too. 

Gloves/Mitts: we’ve lost so many of these, so worth having extra pairs! Ski mittens and gloves are a great option when its really cold. ‘Magic gloves’ are also brilliant to allow your toddler to pick things up and use their hands, they also grow with them so will last a good amount of time. 

Buff: Great to warm necks and wipe snotty noses. Adult buffs work just as well as child specific and can be turned into a hat if required!

Skin: it’s just as important to look after all of our skin in winter as well as summer, go for a factor 50spf even in the winter, there are some great brands which make toddler specific cold and wind balms and lip balms so its worth doing some research. 

Spare clothes: As any parent of a toddler will know, once the socks are wet it’s game over. Always bring spare clothes!

Need some company? Look no further! 

Blaze Trails groups walk all year round, in all weathers, with babies as young as a few weeks old up to confident little explorers. You’ll find nothing but support from the parents on our walks - we’d love you to join us for a wet, cold and mud-covered walk with a warm cuppa and a chat at the end (we also offer dry and warm walks too if that’s your thing!) 

No group in your area? No problem, get in touch with us and we can help you to set one up and get out walking with like minded parents!