Blaze Trails CIC x Komoot

Baby-friendly Walks Directory

Do you want to explore new places but you’re not sure where to go or whether a walk will be baby-friendly?

Blaze Trails have teamed up with the fabulous map app Komoot to help parents get outdoors by building up a directory of walks across the UK.

the lowdown:

  • All of the walks in our directory are created, tested and recommended by real parents like you!

  • Individual walks specify if they are suitable for baby-carrying, pushchairs and/or toddlers.

  • All walks include a map, a description with key family-related information (e.g. baby changing facilities), and most include photos so you can see what to expect.

  • The directory will be organised in collections by place and theme - e.g. top 10 coastal walks with a baby, or top 5 forest walks in the North East.

How find walks near you:

  1. Click the button below to follow our Blaze Trails account on Komoot.

  2. Explore our Collections and completed ‘Tours’ (individual walks). To find walks near you, search by location by entering your postcode.

Here’s what our collections look like:

Here’s what an individual walk or ‘Tour’ looks like:

Help us build the directory by contributing your baby walks!

You can help add to this collection of Blaze Trails Komoot walks by recording your hikes and tagging Blaze Trails in them.

It’s easy!

  1. Download the Komoot app and sign up for a free account.

  2. Follow Blaze Trails on Komoot.

  3. Record your walk - don’t forget to take photos along the way if you fancy!

  4. When you finish recording your walk or ‘tour’, tag Blaze Trails as a participant.

  5. When you’re home, you can write up your description of the walk using our simple template, and add it as the first comment on the completed ‘tour’ so that everyone will be able to see it at the top.

  6. We’ll approve the tag and add it to our collection!



Remember that while map apps are amazing, they’re not a replacement for being able to read a map and understand how to navigate a new area safely.

So please take care, and check out our tips:


Blaze Trails and Komoot cannot be held responsible for the misuse or misinterpretation of any information and offers no warranty, guarantees or representations of any kind in connection to its accuracy or completeness. Blaze Trails and Komoot accept no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on the route mapping.