Group walking during Covid-19

Hi everyone,

6 months into Covid-19 and we’re slowly navigating the ‘new normal’. I’ve been organising group walks again for the last 8 weeks, and have been learning fast about how to stay safe when out walking during Covid.

I’ve developed this guidance to help everyone who comes on our walks, and those who organise their own walks, to be safe while out adventuring together. It’s a work in progress, so please let me know your thoughts and if you have any more ideas of things to include!

How have you been getting out safely during this strange time?



Blaze Trails guidance for group baby walks during Covid-19

Blaze Trails wants parents to get outdoors safely with their babies. The Coronavirus pandemic means we need to take special precautions when meeting up for baby walks. Our priority is to make sure all parents keep themselves and their babies safe, at the same time as we have fun and meet new friends.

Most importantly:

If you or anyone you live with has coronavirus symptoms do not go out walking.

Stay at home and follow the NHS and government guidance.


  • Ensure the group leader has your full name and mobile number in case someone in the group later displays coronavirus symptoms and we need to contact/track-and-trace you. 

  • Walk locally where possible, plan your journey to the walk starting point to minimise contact with others en route. 

  • Carry everything you need with you, minimising unnecessary stops into shops or cafes, and reducing the need to borrow other people’s things. Take an extra 5 minutes to check you’ve packed your bag with everything you’ll need.

  • Consider carrying a mask with you to put on when going into a shop, cafe or other enclosed public space during the walk. 

When out walking:

  • Keep your distance from other walkers.

  • Feel comfortable to ask other walkers to keep their distance. Don’t be offended if someone reminds you to keep your distance. Remember that everyone has different levels of comfort and anxiety around socialising - the important thing is to support each other to get outdoors safely. 

  • Avoid touching each other’s babies and equipment such as backpacks or carriers (although it’s always tempting to coo and help!)

  • If someone needs help, for example with lifting up a baby backpack, anti-bac your hands before and after, and keep your distance as much as possible. 

  • If you need to administer first aid to someone else, clean your hands and consider wearing a mask, minimising the time spent in close proximity. 

  • If you need to touch a gate or stile, or other high-contact points, anti-bac your hands afterwards.

  • Be considerate of other people walking/park users. Be prepared to walk in single file, or move off the path. Be proactive and help other walkers move easily around you and the group. 

  • Take all rubbish (including masks, wipes or anything else!) home with you.

After your walk:

  • If you develop symptoms of coronavirus within a week of a group walk, please tell the organiser so they can let the other attendees know.