Building your confidence as a trailblazing parent

Getting out for a walk with your new baby can seem daunting at first. But you’ve absolutely got this and you can always join our wonderful Blaze Trails community for tips and support.

Remember - walking is safe and good for you! 

Walking is the perfect way to get outdoors and active when you have a new baby. It’s safe, gentle, good for your physical and mental health and you can start as soon as you step out of your front door. 

Look after your body

If you’ve just given birth, remember to look after your amazing post-partum body. Don’t rush into exercise until you’re ready - walking will always be there for you! Make sure you listen to your body. At your postnatal check, be sure to talk to your doctor, midwife or postnatal physio about your own recovery and check you’re able to walk safely. 

Set your intention

Getting out the front door can feel like a big hurdle with a baby, so even if it’s just a short walk around the block, it can help to make a commitment to yourself to go for it. Tell your partner or a friend what your plan is and they can encourage you. 

Take it easy

Take it easy - start slowly and go for short distances. You’ll be able to gradually build up your stamina and appetite for longer walks. 

Go it alone or Go with a friend!

The best bit about walking with your baby is that you always have company! Feel confident to get out by yourself - your baby will be happily occupied by the sights and sounds of nature, or they’ll be asleep and you’ll get a precious moment to yourself.   

Grab a walking buddy - if your baby’s occupied in their baby carrier or pushchair, you’ll manage an uninterrupted chat! You’ll also have a spare pair of hands to help if needed. So call a friend or join a local Blaze Trails parent and baby walking group. If there’s not a group near you, visit our website to find out how to start your own!