Picnics with baby

As the sun starts to make an appearance, we’ve turned our minds to summer picnics. Eating out with baby can feel a bit daunting at first: What to pack?! What about the routine?! But it doesn’t have to be. It’s good to get your little one used to eating in different environments and is a great way of having quality time outdoors with your baby.

Here are top tips for picnics with your little one from Erin Outram, our York Group Organiser:

1. Try and time a picnic with when your baby would usually eat or have a feed, when they are at their most relaxed and least tired - you’re all likely to enjoy the experience more.

2. Picnic Blanket: if you can find one with a waterproof bottom even better, also doubles up as a changing mat for those Ill timed nappy rumbles. If you will be breast or bottle feeding and know it will take a while, bring something like a cushion so that you will be comfy.

3. A good bib or soft dribble bib: Embrace the mess!

4. Wipes and change of clothes: See above! (You may also require a washable picnic blanket, it’s what it’s all about!)

5. Choose your food: we’ve learned from experience that watery yoghurt neither travels well, or has the consistency you want. Bring a variety of food with you and remember picnics are for treats, not getting all the nutrients in, so let baby try new things, strawberries, croissants, mashed avocado - if it’s food you can share, even better.

6. Embrace outdoor feeding: if you haven’t weaned baby yet, don’t worry about feeding outside, enjoy it! It’s a great experience for both of you, just make sure you are warm and comfortable if you know you will be sat for long periods.

7. Layers: it’s important baby is protected from the sun and doesn’t overheat. UV protection hats, sunglasses and sun cream are all a must and are easily available for babies. Let’s be honest, we live in Britain, so hats, gloves and waterproofs are worth packing too.

8. Treats for you: it goes without saying, cake is an essential.

9. Grab a great view!

10. Enjoy the experience: don’t be disheartened if baby doesn’t want to eat, is distracted or overwhelmed, or the dog eats the croissants. It’s all an adventure!