Top tips for walking with your baby in the rain


Don’t let rain stop play! Here’s how to plan a wet-weather walk and get out in that most British of weathers. 


Shift your mindset 

Rain is just water. Your skin dries, and even if you get soaked through to your knickers, it'll give you something to laugh about. As long as you keep your baby warm and dry, you’ll be fine. Remember, rain is often warmer than plain cold weather!

Keep it short and sweet

Even 15 minutes around your neighbourhood or local park will feel invigorating. Your local well-trodden routes will look and feel different in the rain.

Choose your route wisely

It’s a good idea to pick a route that feels doable and safe – either somewhere you’ve been before, or somewhere recommended by someone you trust. 

Grab a friend

A walking buddy is always great on a rainy day – you're both more likely to get out of the house. And you get to share in the sense of achievement. 

What to wear and take with you:

Waterproof yourself

  • Waterproof jacket over warm layers

  • Wellies, boots or trainers with good grip, tied securely as the floor might be slippery and balance can be off if baby-carrying on slopes 

  • Umbrella

  • Waterproof trousers – not essential (especially not for quick wanders) but you’ll feel pretty indestructible with them. Great if you’re hiking with a baby backpack with its own waterproof cover

Waterproof your baby

  • Make sure baby is layered up and their extremities are covered. If baby-carrying, layers are better than a big snowsuit as you can add/remove as needed to regulate their temperature and ensure a proper carrier fit

  • Keep baby dry obviously, but young babies may not need their own waterproofs if they’re staying sheltered in a carrier/pushchair, and this avoids overheating in non-breathable waterproofs

  • If baby-wearing, use a baby-carrier waterproof cover, wrap them in your waterproof coat if big enough (or if your partner is larger then borrow theirs!), or wrap a smaller waterproof jacket around their carrier so the hood can be brought up over their head, and tie/tuck the jacket arms in so it stays on snuggly 

  • If using a pushchair, grab its rain cover, although for quick drizzly walks just the hood pulled over and foot cosy on should be fine

What else?

  • Pack a spare carrier bag to sit, feed or change your baby

  • If your bag isn’t waterproof, line it with a plastic bag to ensure its contents stay dry

  • Nappy changes in the rain are easier than you think! Find a sheltered tree or position your umbrella on the floor over baby, lay them on a plastic bag or your waterproof, and voila! They’ll think it’s the most interesting change they’ve had! 

  • If you're not using waterproof trousers then it’s a good idea to take spare trousers/socks to change into

Most of all, just have a go. Once you let go of the initial feeling of ‘what am I doing?!’ you’ll be amazed at how beautiful and calming being out in the rain is. Slow down and appreciate your senses. 

And when you get in, shake yourself off, put your comfies on and get the kettle on. Enjoy that cuppa from the comfort of your sofa, knowing you just did something really good for yourself. You could even treat yourself to a biscuit – you deserve it!

Now you’re prepared, find your local Blaze Trails group and sign up to their next walk.